I had finished school and 2019 Beylikdüzü Instagram Escort Kızlar form and was working as a customer assistant at my local Coop for few months. Feeling low, I went to the doctor who put me on antidepressants to help with the depression and anxiety. I shut myself away at home feeling depressed and completely in limbo. I am close to my cousin, and they suggested going with them to travel for a bit and see our extended family. Even though I was anxious about going out again, it felt good to get out and be with family. But once I came home I started to feel bad and useless again. I felt I should be doing something. My Mum said to sign on and maybe they would be able to help with getting back into work. I knew that doing nothing was making me feel worse. After chatting to the tutor, from the college and explaining how I wanted to do something, but my anxiety is holding me back, she recommended HeadsUp. The tutor was brilliant and helped me think about what I would gain and that I had nothing to lose from giving it a go. I think doing the managing anxiety course and talking with the tutor, gave me the confidence to join. I was nervous to attend as it was online, but it was good. It made me feel able to break things down and look at different aspects of how I am feeling. It helped me look at the positives rather than focusing on the negatives. We met online over Teams each week which helped my confidence as it was kind of face to face and not just over the phone. It increased my 2019 Beylikdüzü Instagram Escort Kızlar using Teams in case I had an interview online. We did job searching and job applications together. They taught me how to use the interview STAR Situation, Action, Task and Result technique so when answering interview questions, I have an idea of how to structure my answer. This made me feel good about myself and my nerves got better as I grew more confident. I started going to the gym with family just to get out more, and I was encouraged to talk to people. I know not to take it to heart. Skip to content Created on 19 October Subscribe Sign up to our mailing list and receive the latest news from Enable East.
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